+34 943 27 12 28 / +34 639 16 46 64

What is

Scoliosis is a three-dimensional deviation of the spine and thorax, with a Cobb angle greater than 10 degrees, accompanied by vertebral rotation.

Idiopathic Scoliosis:
Complete three-dimensional deformity of the spine and the thorax of multifactorial origin that appears in generally healthy individuals and could progress during periods of fast growth.


Symptoms and

Early detection of scoliosis is very important to prevent its possible progression and obtain a better prognosis. There are different signs that we can observe during a visual evaluation that indicate possible scoliosis.

Some of these signs are elevation of the shoulder, lateral deviation of the trunk, deviation of the hips, asymmetry of the scapulas and presence of a thoracic or lumbar hump. In the presence of these signs, you need to consult a specialist so they can correctly diagnose scoliosis.


The treatment of scoliosis is based on the Cobb angle measurement from the x-ray, which indicates the severity of the curvature of the spine. If the angle is between 10 and 20 degrees, it is a mild scoliosis and treatment is based on observation and monitoring over a period of time and exercises.

If the angle is between 25 and 45 degrees, it is considered moderate scolisis and treatment consists of exercises and the use of an individually tailored brace.

If the Cobb angle is greater than 50 degrees, it is considered a severe scoliosis and treatment could be surgery.


Advanced and personalised treatment

Frequently Asked
Questions (FAQ)

During infancy, adolescence and bone maturity, scoliosis develops without pain.  Amongst adults, scoliosis can generate pain and disfunctionality.

It is a measurement that can be taken from an x-ray to determine the position of the affected vertebrae and thus the curvature of the spine.

It is a measurement of the skeletal maturity of the patient whereby you can measure the ossification stage of the iliac crest using an x-ray.

The values range from 0, where there is no ossification, signalling the risk of progression and worsening of severe scoliosis, to 5, which indicates complete ossification and a minimal risk of progression.

The treatment of scoliosis is not based on any sporting activity.  Neither swimming nor any other sports reduce the curvature of the spine.  It is important that the patient with scoliosis participates in sport to benefit from improved muscle tone and cardio-respiratory ability.

Any doubts or questions?